As someone who is very proactive about her health and also always on the look out for new health tricks and products. So when the opportunity to try a three day juicing detox came up, i of course jumped at the chance. Its has been something i have wanted to do for a long long time but have just never got around to doing it. After watching a recent Television show called 'Fat, Sick and Nearly dead' i was even more motivated to try it out. The Show focused on juicing as the best option for those who are obese or Large in Size, promoting not only massive amounts of weight loss but also cures for many diseases linked with bad health. Even though i didn't slot into the category of being obese, i was still curious to see what benefits it would have on my body and what health benefits it would give me.
I decided to take on a three day Juicing detox with Irish juicing company 'Juices by Ginger', the idea was simple, Four juices a day for three days (Two green, One orange and One red) . Starting your day by drinking Hot water and lemon, drink a lot of water through out the day and when the hunger kicks in keep a couple of healthy Nuts and celery sticks on hand. I would definitely consider myself a person with a strong mind and possess a strong will power when it comes to food and dieting, But unfortunately i also knew that i had a very high metabolism meaning i usually eat a lot of meals a day. I was very enthusiastic and optimistic about following through with the full three day detox without cheating which i can gladly say i
achieved .
Juices by Ginger
I was really taken back by Owner Amy Gallagher's story and i think her own experience with juicing made her company 'Juices by ginger' even more appealing and real. I asked Amy could i share her story as i think it is really special and will motivate some of you reading. Here is Amy's story have a read
I first began juicing in June of this year. My journey began in March, I woke up one day and realized I was seriously over weight, I took to the gym, went on the sugar free diet, lost a stone. When the first stone came off, I became more interested in my health as oppose to the scales, I became more conscious of what I was putting in my mouth, and the benefits of what was going in. This is when I began juicing. My best friend had emigrated to Oz, and every time I ''face timed'' her she was sipping a juice. I was intrigued-I wanted a juice! So off I went to Harvey Norman, woman on a mission. Bought myself a juicer and began juicing. I spent 3 days watching and re-watching youtube videos of juicing and recipes, Jason Vale, Joe the Juicer, the list is endless. Once I began seeing the benefits, I lost another stone, I was full of energy, bright eyed and bushy tailed, I knew I was onto a winner.
I knew there had to be some way to get Ireland to juice more. I am not pushing my detox as a quick fix to weight loss. It's not. It will kick start you, but it is not a quick way to lose 7lbs and keep it off. I want my clients to feel this amazing feeling that I felt when I began juicing, and I have to say, to date, if I go a day without juice, I am genuinely cranky. My business started very small, I thought up a name-its very self explanatory, I have red hair hence ''by Ginger''. My business is still small but it is growing at a rapid pace-I am genuinely overwhelmed. Its a very positive sign that our country is becoming much more health conscious and aware of the toxins that we put in our bodies on a daily basis. I hope to someday be a household name in health foods and beverages as I will never use additives or preservatives, and I hope that the Irish People will want to put freshly pressed vegetable and fruit juices into their bodies daily and understand the benefits of doing so.
Amy tells us about 'Juices by Ginger'
For people who have hectic lifestyles or consume lots of caffeine, they may experience headaches and nausciousness, this is the body reacting to starvation of processed carbohydrates and sugars and also caffeine. In my opinion, we should all be doing a 3 day detox every 4-6 weeks. We are unaware of the amount of processed foods we pass through our bodies, and I just feel this is unnatural and is the cause of so many illnesses. I have had a couple of clients report back to me saying that their ailments have cleared as a result of the juicing. One had serious asthma, and he said that this eased up a lot. Another had psoriases and he actually sent me pictures of his neck, the redness had left his skin and it was starting to clear up. I actually get such satisfaction that I have helped people like this, that medication has never worked for before. My aim is to continue juicing and to help everyone around me to understand and enjoy the benefits of juicing. I would really advise everyone who hasn't watched already, to watch Joe the Juicers ''Fat, sick and nearly dead'', a documentary based on juicing which was aired on TV3 last week. It really is an eye opener to us all.
The juices by Ginger three day detox
- Cost 70 euro including delivery and Information leaflet
- Four juices per day for three days
- Tailor made with max amount of Veg
- Remove toxins in the Body that have been built up
- Cleanses the organs
- Maximum Nutrients and mineral into the blood stream
- This detox is NOT easy

Monday day One :
Being the first day i was extremely eager. The package was very pleasing to the eye, very natural and had a lovely friendly element with the coloured straws, all of the juices were presented in Jam jars which i thought was adorable and also very functional, making it easy to carry them during the day. As told i started my day with a hot water and lemon. I drank my first Green Juice early at about 8 am. I knew i wasn't going to be taking in as many Calories as i usually would so i also decided to take three days off from the gym during my detox as i knew i would not have the energy to burn.
The day went without any glitches, I drank my following three juices through out the day. I really enjoyed every single juice on the first day , i thought they were really fresh and natural. I tried to spread them out as evenly as possible just like i would my meals. I ended my day with a couple of sticks of celery. On the whole Day one was very painless.
Tuesday day two :
I definitely woke up Tuesday morning feeling light and my abdomen felt more toned. I followed threw with the same routine as Day one Hot water and lemon in the Morning, Juices through out the day, Nuts when needs and celery when needed. Late Tuesday evening was when i found my self lacking in energy, prior to that i went for an hours walk with my Dog Tyson. So i put that down to my sudden drop in energy. I consumed a couple of extra nuts and celery sticks than day one but regardless day two went very well.
Wednesday day three :
Day three i felt myself a little bit more tired than the previous days, although i felt seriously light and my skin was definitely a lot more toned and tighter. Being the last day i definitely needed to eat a couple of extra nuts and Celery sticks to keep me going during the day. I drank my usual Four juices and of course Hot lemon and Water through out the day.
Day three i drank a lot more water. I was also the owner of three large pimples and as someone who never gets pimples this was very very annoying, but also a sign the juices were doing there work, cleansing my body and flushing me of toxins.
Review :
I really enjoyed my experience juicing i thought it was a brilliant concept, My skin is glowing since and i lost a total of 5 pounds in three days, which is a massive number. My body actually feels more toned and my skin is tighter.I actually found my self less inclined to eat junk food the next day and i also really appreciated the taste of healthy food. I Think juicing is an AMAZING idea, and i would hugely promote it to people trying to loose some extra weight before their wedding day, possibly a model with a big shoot, If you have a holiday coming up or again someone who wants to shed some extra weight. I think the majority of people who are under a size ten may struggle with this a little as it takes a lot of will power and control . I think its a brilliant concept and everyone needs to try it at least once.Again i think its important to note that everyone's bodies react differently. Even though i lost five punds in three days it doesn't mean your body will too. It is an amazing kick start to anyone looking to get healthy or improve their health. I have also decided to add two juices into my diet every single day, as it is such a clever way to take in nutrients and minerals. I think it is something everyone should consider doing as it is known fact the more green vegetables you consume the more toned you will be.
Here is all the relevant details to order your Juices by Ginger
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Juices by Ginger on Twitter
Lose weight juicing? Yes! You most certainly can and will lose weight by juicing. Here are some best juicing for weight loss recipes
ReplyDeleteI would definitely consider myself a person with a strong mind and possess a strong will power when it comes to food and dieting, But unfortunately i also knew that i had a very high metabolism meaning i usually eat a lot of meals a day.
ReplyDeleteJoe Cross