For all my readers i really want you to take in these facts. Starvation is a nasty, negative attitude towards weight loss. This is not something you should include as an option EVER.
- On a starvation diet the body slows the metabolism right down to conserve energy
- Your brain will slow down from the lack of glucose in your system, which you receive from food in take.
- Both your muscles and brain will work less efficiently from the lack of carbohydrates in your system
- Anything you do eat will be stored as fat
- You will gain weight much more rapidly after you have been on a starvation diet.
-Long term liver and heart defects
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Short attention span
- Can lead to full time eating disorders
- You will have bad skin and hair
- You will bruise much easier
- You will start binge eating meaning more weight gain
If you think you have an eating disorder please seek help from your doctor. This is not an option for weight loss there are so many fun and exciting ways to get healthy and slim and this is not one of them. Do not look up to people like Nicola Mcclean, there are so many positive role models out there. These people will motivate you to be healthy and happy. We here at Bikinibrawn think Nicola Mcclean needs to be more responsible with her publicity .
What are your opinions ??
Kelly D
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