Just when you thought there couldn't be anymore unrealistic pressure for young people, Beauty chain Superdrug have designed a new product that they feel is going to tackle the obesity crisis facing both Britain and Ireland.They plan on attacking the epidemic head on, by launching a new weighing scales. The celebrity weighing scales by Superdrug will allow you to compare your own weight with those of celebrities. Including Cheryl Cole, Rihanna, Beyonce and Khloe Kardashian. Each celebrity on the weighing scale signifies a certain weight, check out the list below to see the full superdrug celeb weight listing.

Kate Middleton - 8st 6lb
Jessica Ennis - 8st 9lb
Ellie Goulding - 9st
Beyonce - 9st 4lb
Rihanna - 9st 7lb
Christina Hendricks - 11st
Khloe Kardashian - 12st 1lb
Adele - 14st
Queen Latifa - 14st
Gemma Collins - 16st
Melissa McCarthy - estimate 18st
We are shocked that such a huge beauty chain like 'Superdrug' would launch such an irresponsible, toxic product. We are disgusted to think that Superdrug, and the team behind it thought this was a sensible approach to the obesity epidemic. With so many fragile and impressionable young women out there, we feel this product could only have give young women a negative image of their body and also give them unrealistic, irreverent targets. So many young girls, as young as four or five are fans of stars like Rihanna and Beyonce.
It is completely unrealistic to compare your body weight to ANYONE, in fact here at Bikinibrawn we always promote the fact weight is completely irrelevant. Weight can vary from height, to genes and of course muscle. If i was to compare myself to this chart i would fall just under Christina Hendricks, we are both completely different. We think people should be worrying about their health and happiness, not the weighing scales. I am sure you will all agree that this will not help the obesity epidemic, but add fuel to another epidemic, one of unrealistic celebrity obsessed eating disorders. Everybodies weight is individual and could never be compared.
Cheryl Cole also commented on the product
‘‘Shocked!!!...Pls do not include me on your scale. Girls should be worried about the number on their exam page not a weight scale ffs,’’

Check out Superdrugs comments on the Product :
“Our new scales are just one of the ways that the health team here are helping our customers to be more open about discussing their health needs with our in-store healthcare professionals.
"We're pleased to be piloting these scales amongst our store teams and, if successful, would look at potentially rolling them out for customer use nationwide."
Whats your verdict on the Superdrug celebrity weighing scale ?
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Kelly D xx
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