I cant belive i am only getting around to posting this now. It has been very tough to find time to blog , between my own hectic schedule and as i am sure you all can see i am well into the guts of my sixteen week transformation, i am currently on week twelve, so as you can imagine the diet and training is getting quite laborious and intense. Bikinibrawn has developed so much over the past couple of months, the readership has also developed and of course grown.

I realized that Bikinibrawn readers don't come in a set formula, nor is there a set formula for women who want to be healthy and look good. Bikinibrawn readers come in all shapes and sizes, also in different stages of their goals, some only starting out and some struggling in the development, they also come in a huge variety of ages. It made me think that i don't really know my readers. Bikinibrawn is a community, it definitely didn't start that way. I have always enjoyed talking about my own opinions, my own struggles and of course discuss and review products that i enjoy, But if this blog is a community then one persons opinion on health, fitness and products just isn't dynamic or real. So i decided why not get together with some of my readers, get them involved, get to know them. The results were mind-blowing. Not only did i underestimate the interest in my blog but i also underestimated how much people respect me. I am not a personal trainer or a dietitian, and i don't ever pretend to be. I am just the girl next door who has fell in love with Health and fitness. I discovered that Bikinibrawn had a fanbase, it was helpful, it was motivating and it now brought people together who want to improve themselves.
The focus group got together early last Saturday morning, The focus group took place in Pog fro-yo in Dublin city center. A great little health food eatery on bachelors walk.
Obviously being the first Bikinibrawn focus group i expected it to be a bit of a trial event, it was the first time i have ever done anything like this. I also had a huge list of company's involved, so i was very curious to see how proactive my girls would be at reviewing the products.
Like i mentioned i was expecting a few teething problems seeing as it was the first ever Bikinibrawn focus group. To my surprise the get together went better than i could have ever imagined. The discussions were honest, dynamic and relaxed. Each member got involved, shared their stories and experiences. Conversation was fluid and colourful, as we all drank smoothies and juices.
The product discussion section i also found went hugely successful, which i will be including shortly.

I was mostly blown away by the response i received after the event. I received a couple of heartfelt messages and social media messages, that really chocked me up. To say i am satisfied about how the event went would be an understatement. What i learned was the fact we are all very different but our journey and struggles are the same, even if our goals are different. We all seek support and information. We all have moments where we felt weak and powerless in our pursuit to be better, but we also have many moments of glory. I think a focus group is just the thing to keep people on the right track, as women we love to chat. The focus group is an opportunity to discuss your journey, struggles, secrets, tips and chat about recipes and products. I am definitely going to be holding another one in the near future, possibly in May, if interested please leave a comment below. I also highly recommend organizing your own fitness focus group. Why not get together with ten of your family and friends, chat about health, training, exercise .
You don't need to wait for the Bikinibrawn focus group
I want to thank all the individuals who turned up and participated. I also want to thank all the amazing brands who git involved
Dr Zaks Uk ( protein bread & pasta )
O'egg ( Liquid Egg Whites )
Pulsin food group ( Health foods )
Bounce balls ( Protein bars )
Baby b brown ( Self tan )
Dr Antonio Martins ( Coco coconut water )
Keen ( Nut butters )
Cathy's Spelt ( Homebake spelt goods )
Pukka herb tea's
22 day nutrition ( vegan protein goods )
Better you ( Trans dermal and sublingual vitamins & minerals )
Pog Fro yo ( Salad & Juice bar Bachelors walk dublin)
For any information on the Bikinibrawn focus group or for any of the products mentioned above please email Kellysbikinibrawn@gmail.com
( The full group review will be up shortly , find out what all the girls thought of the products)
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