Sunday 3 November 2013

Kelly's healthy italian stew for Veggie's too !

I think its important to offer vegetarian options for people who are also on a health buzz. Why not try adding extra protein to this recipe like chickpeas, butterbeans etc. My advise for all my vegetarian friends is to increase protein intake whether it be threw beans or shakes.
Stay clear of Processed meat replacements and also Bread of any kind. Really consider supplementation threw vitamins and minerals . Again i highly recommend taking protein shakes to increase both protein and calorie intake for overall better health and physique.
Having tried being both vegetarian for three months and vegan for one month, i really feel i can speak from experience when giving this advise as this is where i failed. I lost a lot of muscle and weight threw lack of calories . I try to still include as many vegetarian meals in my diet as possible . If you are a meat eater you should also consider trying out some vegetarian options, you will be surprised how delicious and flavorsome they can be, they are also very healthy and low in calories.

Cook eggplant in oven until the eggplant is dry to touch and slightly shriveled , this usually takes roughly 15 minutes. In a large pot heat olive oil, garlic, celery and onion until golden brown . Add Chopped vegetables including the squash and baked eggplant cooking in oil for roughly four minutes . Add the can of tomatoes, tomatoe paste and water . Throw in the remainder of ingredients including peppers, zucchini, dried tomatoes and herbs.
Cook on a low heat for thirty minutes . Don't forget to add optional olives at the end . Serve with a side of rice or sweet potatoe squash no bread like the photo suggests.

I hope all my veggies enjoy this healthy stew recipe
Let me know what you think , or if you have any healthy recipe's for other vegetarian readers .

Kelly D


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