I have been getting a lot of people, especially women asking me what supplements they should be taking. Supplementation is easy to get the hang of, first of all you just need to know why you take them and what they do. Our body needs over 40 nutrient types a day to function at a standard level, let alone functioning at its best. The reality is the Majority of people have poor diets, make bad food choices, change their diets frequently or have small appetites, which means by taking a supplement it will help you meet the necessary requirements. For an individual who is looking for their body to work at an optimum level then supplementation as well as a clean diet is essential. Even if you consider yourself overly healthy, when it comes to food choices the reality is that you still are not meeting the needed requirements to function at a high level. The best thing about using supplements these days, is that you don't need to be popping one hundred pills a day . The only ones you need on your list include Omega's, Multivitamins and Multiminerals. If you are at a higher level of training then you could possibly add in a couple of others. Always remember supplementation is not a replacement for food , it can also be hugely beneficial for individuals who have allergies or are vegetarian / vegan.
Multivitamins :
Most women have totally different dietary needs then men, that also includes multivitamins. There are a couple of brands available that sell women specific Multivit's .I recommend Optimum Nutrition's Opti-women or if you cant get your hands on that the majorty of health food stores will sell a high quality multivitamin for women. There are 13 essential vitamins that are essential in maintaining a high level of health and wellbeing. Including vitamin A, B, C, D, E , K , B12 and 7B Complex.
All Multivitamin capsules will have all of these important vitamins in each capsule, if you want to be really good you can add in an extra Vitamin D tablet.
Multiminerals :
Multiminerals are just as essential as Vitamins in maintaining a healthy body. Minerals are important for a number of reasons, they help to build healthy muscle, bones and teeth. Minerals also help the function of our nervous and metabolic systems.
They also help us to have better hair and skin. They are essential for the growth and development of our health. Minerals we need include Iron, Magnesium, zinc, calcium, copper etc.

Omega 3's : Last but not least Essential fats. They are crucial in maintaining a strong immune system, They also have been proven to improve your mood, they also help keep your skin and eyes healthy. Most important healthy fats boost brain function. So for those of you who thought all fats were bad , they were wrong. They are en essential part of a healthy and strong body. Again the Majority of health food stores sell high quality Omega 3's
If you have any further questions about anything mentioned above, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below
Kelly D
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