Hello hello guys and dolls!
Let me introduce myself; my name is
Gillian, and I am a 22yr old full-time student and training to be a
bikini competitor.
I have a small blog on IrishMuscle.ie
and will expand on it here, welcome to Student & the Gym!
So a little about my fitness history; I
was into sports when I was younger, I enjoyed most things I tried,
swimming, athletics and so on. But in my teenage years rowing was my
sport of sport! I started out in Tribesmen Rowing Club when I was
thirteen and trained and competed there for three years, achieving
several national championships. I loved rowing but had to quit due to
injury. I stopped all training and acted a bit wild for a few years…
I had sporadic bouts of fitness, intentions of losing weight and
getting “fit and healthy”, but always fell back into bad habits
and never stuck with anything for more than a month of two.
But last spring when I took a good look
at myself after yet another relapse into the bottom of the pack of
cookies I finally had enough. I had had a good spurt of “well-being”
that November and lost a little weight only to put on twice the
amount I lost only month or two later! I was browsing online when I
saw photos of fitness models, and Bikini Pros, Ana Delia and Nathalia
Melo. I just thought to myself “I want that!”, now how do I get
So the research started, I was on every
fitness website I could find looking up proper diet and nutrition and
training. Bodybuilding.com was extremely important in my building
knowledge, endless workouts, advice, diets, and supplementation. I
built up a little notebook off information and when I returned to
Galway in May of 2013 for the summer I started to work in Galway City
Using that gym in itself was a huge
aid, there’s no-where like it in Ireland! There’s a real sense of
community there, so many competitors under one roof, or just people
living a fit life! I learned so much from the people in there,
whether it was advice with training or even writing you up a diet. I
really appreciate all the help I got from the people I met there,
there’s one or two in particular, who I won’t embarrass by naming
(but they know who they are) who I owe an extra big thank you to
Going to the right gym makes all the difference, I know from talking
to people that when they start getting into training their friends
and family mightn’t be hugely supportive all the time, “you’re
making us feel bad” is a big one I hear! Which is fair enough, I’ve
felt it too, someone you used to share the pizza with has left you
hanging to be fit and you feel bad having it on your own or that
you’re not up running too… So it’s good to have people doing
the same thing you do that you can talk to about it all so you
yourself don’t feel so alone in it all, and your friends and family
don’t have to hear about your new endeavours!

And now here I am, 5weeks out from
competition, feeling strong, healthy, and happy
I’m currently juggling college (5days a week), my job (4days a
week) and competition prep (7days a week), not to mention friends,
family and a relationship. I’m not a personal trainer, I didn’t
do a nutrition course, my course has nothing to do with health and
fitness and my job most certainly does not either. I am a normal girl
making time for something I feel very passionate about, if I can do
it, really anybody can you won’t
find the time, you just have to make it!
Thanks for reading!
Gil :D
Why not follow Gill online ? Join her on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram
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