The bikini class in the bodybuilding scene has exploded Internationally, its a topic i cover very often here on Bikinibrawn. It is something i find very interesting, it seems to be the perfect balance between sexy, feminine and bad ass. You can see social media has exploded with women of this category who are the new body role models, they train hard, eat clean and still looking feminine. Of course some people find the tan and stage makeup very over powering, but of course that is an essential part of the sport. I have been reading a lot of pieces and watching a lot of videos on the correct protocol for preparing for the bikini stage. Of course all the weeks of intense training and diet come into play, but you may fall when it comes to presentation. It is a fundamental part of the sport. You may not be a pro athlete but that doesn't mean you cant present yourself to the same standard.
To do list / What i need list
Registration fee and application
Accommodation and travel
The Bikini
The correct shoes
Makeup & Hair
Bikini glue or spray
Loose tracksuit or clothing
On the day check list
Bring a bag ( Gym bag or wheely )
A robe
Flip flops
Baby wipes and cotton wool pads
Bikini glue or spray
Body oil or sheen
Hairspray and brush
A camera
The Bikini :
The bikini will be two-piece in style
The bikini will be of any color and pattern
The bikini must be in good taste.
The bikini bottom will cover a minimum of 1/3 of the gluteus maximus and bottom part of the frontal area.
Strings are strictly prohibited. - Pick a colour that will compliment your hair colour and skin tone.
Here are some rough guidelines to follow,
again everyone is individual.
You want to stand out for all of the right reasons
Blonde hair : Blue or turquoise bikini
Dark hair : Red, green and Pink bikini
Red hair : Green and turquoise
Latino or Dark skin : Yellow
- Stay clear of any pale or muted colours, there are a couple of reasons why including the strong lighting at bodybuilding events. Pale shades tend to wash out, so stay clear of any baby pinks, blues, whites etc. You are also at major risk of tan stains both streaks and sweat marks, these can look very unprofessional and sloppy. The dark tan that is associated with these shows can also be very overpowering, so a strong classy colour will compliment this.
Below really illustrates the difference with a professional look and an amateur.
The colour on the right really compliments the athlete, looks elegant and sophisticated. The red suits both the complexion of her skin and hair, and also really pops . On the left you can see the suit doesn't suit the skin or hair colour and is not as impressive as the photo on the right.
It is well known bodybuilding is an expensive sport to be involved in, this is also true when it comes to getting on stage. Between tan, makeup, jewellery, bikini and all the extra bits and bobs the bill can become very large. It doesn't mean however you cant be clever, look professional and look expensive. A company i highly recommend is Ravish sands, they are an amazing Bikini company from florida that specialize in custom made suits. One of the main reasons i think they are the best, is due to their quality range of suits for EVERY budget. Check out their link below as well as two Ravish sands athletes Margaret Gnarr and Paige Hathaway
High heels of any style or colour are acceptable and high heels with platforms are STRICTLY prohibited. Heel height can be a max of five inches.
Maximize your look and invest in the correct heels, as you will have them for a long time. All major Bikini athletes and couches promote wearing the clear heel, it is the most flattering shoe for the sport.
Wearing shoes with colour can be distracting and take away from your body, which is the most important factor. Also it is against regulation to wear giant platform heels, this is a sport so leave them to the strippers ladies !
The Makeup, hair and tanning
Tanning is one of the most important factors in getting on stage, a great tan will highlight and define your assets and show of all of your hard work. Most athletes will recommend getting a spray as your are going to get an even, professional finish. Doing it yourself can be a risk, unless its something you a very comfortable with.
Also it is CRUCIAL to start the exfoliation process anywhere from three weeks out. Your skin needs to be in perfect condition for the stage. The tan will only catch on bad skin, so dont let that happen.
I recommend an exfoliater brush and glove, Soap & glory bodyscrub or the bodyshop bodyscrub
Three brands to look at either for spray or self tanning include as follows ( Check out the athletes which highlight the colours )
Jan Tana
Pro tan
Liquid sun rayz

If you are based in Ireland than i highly recommend checking out Glam and Tan. Give yourself as little stress as possible, and go for the spray rather than self tanning.
Body oil, glaze and sheen :
It is important to highlight your best features but also important not to over do the oils. You want to use these type of products strategically. There can be a tendency to over use them and then can look greasy, again taking away from the professional look.
Makeup and Hair :
With all of these extra factors it is important to remember you are there to show off your body, the rest of the package such just be complimenting extra. Keep it natural, keep it sexy but keep it soft. Don't let ANYTHING distract from the weeks of intense diet and training.
Hair :
Hair should be soft and natural. styled but not over styled. Only use hairspray to hold the look, do not go over board with it. You are in danger of loosing the natural movement of hair. Solid, overly backcombed hair is not a good look. Also a good idea is to add some hair extensions, a nice way to enhance your hair, in a natural way of course.
If you are considering hair extensions check out my own sponsor Great Lengths by Ceira Lambert. They are natural long lasting and the best brand out there.
Makeup :
Makeup is something that can go very wrong. You need to achieve two things when doing competition makeup full coverage for stage as well as a natural finished. These two things are conflicting but totally achievable. Dont be afraid to hire a skilled makeup artist if your skills are not up to par. The most important thing to do is practice practice practice.
Brushes : If you plan on doing your own makeup then good brushes are essential. It is well known good brushes can take your makeup and look to a new level. Once you use good brushes, you literally wont be able to look back. If you plan on entering a lot of competitions, it is well worth investing in a palette
Here is one i highly recommend by crownbrush
Foundation : Foundation should be free from SPF ( Spf is light reflecting, will make your face shiny ) Your foundation should be as close to your stage tan colour as possible ( Rather a shade lighter than darker ) Always try and use a high quality makeup brand, this will help you achieve the most professional look. Both full coverage and natural.
Two brands i recommend include Makeup forever HD & Smashbox high definition
Powder : It is important to also use loose powder. The warm lights on stage will have a negative impact on your foundation, if you don't user powder.
Two brands i recommend include Makeup forever HD powder and Rimmel's loose powder ( which is way more affordable )

Lips, blush, eyebrows and eyes :
Lips : Think classy and elegant. The tan is very rich , so a dark or colourful lip is needed. Stick with rich reds, Natural rich pinks and soft colours that will pop. Stay away from neon and bright lips that, you want the lips to pop but not over power.
Blush : The same again , you want to highlight the cheekbones in a natural way. Pinks, peaches etc
Eyes and eyebrows : With eyes its important to not over work. Stay away from black eyeshadows and eyeliners. Stage lighting can be different from competition to competition, some lights can come directly from above which can leave a big shadow under your eyes. Just in case stay clear of black, keep it semi natural. Stick with a natural palette, i recommend browns. Don't be afraid of adding some lashes for an added ooomf. Eyebrows can change the whole structure of the face, so keep them natural but do enough work on them that they will pop from the tan.
Setting sprays :
Its a product i have never heard anyone discuss. It is so important especially when doing a show to keep your makeup in tact. Bodybuilding shoes can be long and hot events. Makeup setting sprays can hold your makeup in place for up to 16 hours. They work by regulating the face temperature which prevents sweating.
Two brands i recommend include Mac and Urban Decay
My conclusion :
Be sexy, be confident, be proud and be ready. All of all your hard work has come down to this one day. Show of your body to the best of your ability. Compliment in a professional way. Sometimes being natural is the best way to be sexy, you are in a bikini after all. Follow the rules and guidelines. Don't be afraid to ask for help or practice as much as you can. Have your camera at the ready and have as much fun as possible. Every girl will have had the toughest couple of weeks, be a good sport and enjoy each others company. The bikini category is a sport, so always have that in the back of your mind when getting glam.
I am going to do a Makeup tutorial in the next couple of days, where i will go though the full procedure for stage makeup.
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Kelly D xx